Routine & Discipline

Our Daily Routines
The best thing that our most of the recovered members experience is that we have great Routine & Discipline throughout the treatment.

Even if you don't typically thrive on a strict schedule, having a routine & discipline can be helpful in times of unpredictability, uncertainty, and stress. Implementing a structure to your day can give you a sense of control. It can also improve your focus, organization, and productivity.

  • Daily Hamuman Chalisa
  • Prayers
  • Yoga & Exercise
  • Meditations
  • Sessions
  • 1:2:1 Counselling
  • To Do Activities (TDA)
  • Mood Makings
  • Feelings & Guilts Sharing
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Discipline is one of those things that people seem to either love or hate. Some people feel that it’s an important life skill and a good habit, while others view it as a burden. But no matter which side of the fence you’re on, there’s no denying that discipline is an important part of recovery. Whether we’re talking about personal discipline or discipline in the workplace, it plays a crucial role in recovery. In this post, we’ll take a look at why discipline is so important and some tips for developing a strong sense of self-discipline.

Reduces your anxiety and stress levels

  • Self-discipline allows you to follow your plans to achieve your personal and workplace goals. This prevents you from struggling at work or submitting tasks after the deadline. As a self-disciplined professional, you're more able to remain organized and meet deadlines on time. This can lower your anxiety and stress and help you feel more relaxed at work and in recovery.
  • Time management
    The ability to manage your time efficiently is another benefit that self-discipline offers. Time management helps you discipline yourself to define your priorities and honour your commitments. With self-discipline, you can be deliberate about selecting a critical task to complete at a particular time and work solely on that task.
  • Achieving goals
    Almost everyone has goals in life because without goals life has no meaning. Goals can be anything from learning a new language to getting better at a skill. Time management and discipline are the two most important things when it is to achieve goals.
  • Boost self-esteem
    There is nothing as satisfying as forming new habits, breaking the old ones and meeting your goals in the process. The small victories can boost a person’s self-esteem which then makes it easy to be disciplined.
  • Improve your relationships
    Regularly accomplishing your goals creates a sense of pride and makes you believe in yourself, which builds your confidence. Improves your personal and workplace relationships ... Focusing on tasks and goals can make you feel positive and motivated and extend that energy to others.
  • Builds self-confidence
    When we adhere to a routine and stick with it, it helps build self confidence and gives us a sense of tremendous satisfaction. Regularly accomplishing your goals creates a sense of pride and makes you believe in yourself, which builds your confidence.
  • Emotional regulation
    Discipline extends beyond just summoning enough strength to do the tasks you often don’t feel like doing. Self-discipline plays a vital role in how you regulate your emotions. How you react to the natural impulses typically pushing us towards sinful activities. When you obey discipline, you learn to handle the sudden nudges that prompt you to do something stupid.
  • Help Allot in Recovery
    Discipline plays a major role in recovery. It helps an addict during recovery. When they became disciplined their cravings and urges for addiction decreases day after day. Instead of thinking about addiction they started thinking of being clean.