In simple terms, counselling sessions means professional advice and help given to people with problems; A counsellor is the person who is assigned with the task of providing guidance. The counselling process begins by establishing a friendly relationship between the counsellors and the counselees, allowing the counsellor to open up his heart and speak about the problems he is currently facing or is thinking about it. Counsellors not only suggest what all things need to be done; instead, they encourage you to talk about your issues in depth so that they can have a clear idea about the problem and the primary cause behind it, followed by laying out a proper plan to help you regain your self-esteem. 

Different Formats of Counselling Sessions

The differences in modes of counselling have a difference in the success rates, and it varies from individual to individual. The client is free to choose the type of counselling that fits him the best. Below is the list of some of the most favorable counselling formats:

  • Individual therapy: Psychotherapists provide these types of therapies on a one-to-one basis for personalized care. The distressed individual is provided with an ideal environment where he can know about his inner self and the cause of his problems. The counsellor helps him regain his trust and build his self-confidence.
  • Group therapy:  This type of counselling requires a group of professionals to address a problem. Hospitals and mental health centers primarily conduct these sessions, among other healthcare facilities. This counselling works on alleviating community problems ad provides emotional support to them.
  • On-call sessions:  This method provides a favorable alternative to in-person counselling to those individuals who wish to receive psychological guidance without visiting the mental Centre because of their hectic schedules. Additionally, it offers a convenient option for those who may have mobility limitations or live in remote areas. Moreover, it allows for greater flexibility in scheduling appointments and eliminates the need for travel time. Consequently, it can be a more accessible and efficient option for individuals seeking mental health support.

Rehabilitation Counselling is a specific practice of counseling within the discipline where professionals work to help people who have emotional and physical disabilities so that they are able to live more independently in recovery. Additionally, this field focuses on providing support and guidance to individuals as they navigate their journey towards independence. Furthermore, Rehabilitation Counselling professionals aim to empower their clients by equipping them with the necessary skills and resources to overcome their challenges.

This method is designed for disabled people to help them lead a fulfilling life at par with an average individual's. The counsellor helps individuals with cognitive, emotional and locomotor deficiencies to overcome psychological barriers.